Thursday, March 29, 2012


That's a word I've been hearing a lot lately!  Mostly because I've been in a play called Persuasion, by Jane Austen, adapted by Kathy Hedges. We've been rehearsing the play for the last 3 months, and the word 'persuaded' (or derivatives of it) was used like 39 times.  But in addition to that, I've been seeing the word in college classes, Bible studies, and my pastor preached about it last Sunday.
Persuasion is an incredibly crucial concept to understand.  Jeff Arnold once preached a message called, "Life's Three Greatest Words."  He started out by saying, "You may think life's three greatest words are 'God is love,' or 'God can heal', but the three greatest words are actually: "I am persuaded."  The reason that small, little phrase is so important, is because it gives the motivation for nearly everything we do in life.   Truth won't affect you, unless you are persuaded that it is true.  You won't dedicate your life to a cause unless you are persuaded that the cause is worthwhile.  Someone may tell you that there is a million dollars worth of gold hidden right off the coast of Florida in an old sunken ship, which nobody has excavated, and yet is right there for the taking, but you won't invest the time and money and effort necessary to excavate that gold, unless you're persuaded that the statement is true.  The fact that God is love won't affect you, unless you're persuaded that it's true.
The reason persuasion is such a fascinating concept to me is that everyone is persuaded of certain things, and yet, it seems like everyone is also trying to persuade others of everything else. It's the goal of advertisers, of the media, of politicians, of religious groups, (even of bloggers!), of friends, of neighbors, of enemies, of businesses...persuasion is happening all the time. In the play we were performing, every person in the play was either trying to persuade others, or being persuaded by someone. It can be difficult to know how to persuade people for good, and how to keep ourselves and others from being persuaded by evil!
The Bible tells us in Ephesians that we shouldn't be carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive, but we should speak the truth in love. (Eph. 4:14-15) What is he saying there?  That we shouldn't allow ourselves to be persuaded by others' deceitful craftiness, but that we should persuade others by speaking the truth in love.  If we understand the methods used in persuading people, however, we can keep ourselves from being persuaded, and use them to persuade others for good.
I'm taking a college class right now, and we're studying leadership and communication, and the science of persuasion.  Discussions have come up, however, about the difference between persuasion and manipulation.  Jeff Myers is the professor, and he speaks about how the difference between persuasion and manipulation lies in the intent and practice.  If we're hiding or manipulating the truth, with the purpose to deceive, it is manipulation.  If, on the other hand, we are illuminating the truth to people, we are persuading.
Jason Lisle, a scientist with Answers in Genesis, points out something that is important to remember.  Solely using evidence will never convince someone who is already persuaded of something, because they'll always able to come up with a rescuing device.  For example, the very presence of comets is evidence for a young universe, because these thing that are made of ice, should not have been able to survive this long in the universe, if they had been formed when the rest of the universe was formed.  But if you tell an evolutionist this, they'll invoke the presence of an Oort cloud.  They figure that new comets must be somehow being created, which must mean that there is an Oort cloud, even though it can't be proved that any such cloud exists.  My point is that if someone already believes something, (like that the earth is billions of years old), evidence alone won't convince them, because they'll simply interpret it in a way that's consistent with their beliefs. (Matt. 28:16; Luke 16:31)  Rather, we need to examine their worldviews.
Similarly, the things we are persuaded of should be based on a solid foundation, because persuasion is the greatest motivator.
What is it that would cause thousands of people to give their lives for the gospel?  They were persuaded!  (Heb 11:13) "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth."
What would cause someone like Abraham to offer up his own son, even though he knew that Isaac was the only hope of his promise being fulfilled? He was persuaded! (Rom 4:21-22) "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform."
This is what will keep us, as well!  One of my fellow actors...or actresses, I guess...but if I say the word 'actress', I can't say 'fellow' of my fellow cast members read this portion of Scripture in between two of our performances about what our persuasion is as Christians.  My pastor also read this classic portion of Scripture as he was preaching about repentance the next day.  If we are persuaded of this, we could go anywhere in life, because we know the truth of this Scripture, that none of the things listed can ever...well, maybe I should let the verse speak for itself.
(Rom 8:38-39) "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The Bible is a solid foundation from which to be persuaded.  Some people trust their own minds...but we have such a finite view, and such a limited perspective.  The book of Job does an amazing job pointing this out through the speeches of Elihu.  Job is looking at things from his own perspective, but Elihu says, "Look, we know God's character: that He's just, and He loves us.  Therefore, what you are saying must be wrong."  Elihu didn't use a lot of fancy evidences to prove Job wrong.  He just appealed to God, because as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His thoughts greater than our thoughts.  (As a sidenote, this holds true even for those who don't believe in God.  If someone who believes we were formed by random chance processes is to depend on their own mind as a means of persuasion, I like to point out that if they believe that their brain is just a random collection of chemicals formed by chance, they really have no basis for believing that their chemicals are firing correctly. ;)  Just a fun thought.)  However, if we have the word of Someone who is infinite...who has a perspective greater than ours...that is a solid foundation on which we can be persuaded.  When we have the word of God on something, we can, with every confidence say, "I am fully persuaded."


  1. Awesome every time! Ever think about leading a Bible study? Keep up the GREAT work!

  2. Yeah, I actually lead two, haha. That's actually where a lot of the inspiration for the blog comes from. :) One in Greeley with college/highschool age young people, and I colead one in Loveland, with some families. I'm not sure where you live, but you'd be welcome to join us, if you ever want to! Email me at if you want anymore info!
